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Categories New listings
Art and Crafts (12)
B2B (41)
Design-related (7)
Fashion (41)
Food, Drink and Entertainment (8)
Health and Beauty (46)
Home and Garden (139)
Travel, Hotels and Accommodation (3)
Transport and Delivery (5) articles
Revolutionizing Your Countertops: Induction Cooking Surfaces of Tomorrow

Essential Utensils for Crafting Wholefood Wonders

5 Essential Kitchen Gadgets for the Modern Home Cook
5 Essential Kitchen Gadgets for the Modern Home Cook

Unleashing Creativity: Unique Kitchen Utensils to Sell Online
Unleashing Creativity: Unique Kitchen Utensils to Sell Online

Say Goodbye to Average: How to Stand Out in the E-Commerce World

Mastering the Art of E-Commerce with a Dash of Absurdity

Mastering the Art of E-Commerce: A Hysterical Guide for the Slightly Unhinged

Number of listings removed from our directory since 1st November 2019 = 0

The Benefits a Gold Listing Can Give to Your Website(s)

1. Our AI system - powered by GPT4 - will build your profile page for you

Utilising the power of ChatGPT4, our system will AI spider will visit your site and identify and describe the products you provide (in unique English), and link to up to 5 of your key product category pages on your website. Moreover, we'll list your 20 more recently added (to your site) products, and spider your site daily to ensure we are always listing your most up-to-date products. See here as an example.

2. An authority link to your site

We realise how important search engine rankings are to your website so we've worked hard to help you get the most out of the Gold listing on our website. Only sites that pass our review process are added to our directory - they must meet these guidelines. But if a site passes our guidelines, we will trust the site owner enough to link out to deeper pages within this site via their Gold listing page. We allow you to link to 10 separate external web pages from your Gold listing personal page (see below image). With this page, you can truly showcase your products and services and deep link to specific pages to help our own visitors evaluate your website in more detail.

3. Be seen as a trusted website

We always give review notes to our Gold listings - these highlight how we review sites. We look for signs that a company is genuine. That means a full postal address and phone number that's easy to find. Also we look for further signs of trust like testimonials / case studies / portfolios to indicate past work / services. If a site is selling items, we look for delivery and returns policies, and general terms and conditions. We thoroughly review each submission using our signals of trust guide that look for dozens of signals to show a company is legitimate.

4. We are a safe reference

Including your website in a quality, niche directory with a strict editorial process is a safe way to help market your site. More details here.

5. Your own profile page to showcase your business to our visitors

Example of the WYSIWYG editor and how easy it is to link out to inner pages of the website you are listing
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