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Art and Crafts (12)
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Food, Drink and Entertainment (8)
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Home and Garden (139)
Travel, Hotels and Accommodation (3)
Transport and Delivery (5) articles
Revolutionizing Your Countertops: Induction Cooking Surfaces of Tomorrow

Essential Utensils for Crafting Wholefood Wonders

5 Essential Kitchen Gadgets for the Modern Home Cook
5 Essential Kitchen Gadgets for the Modern Home Cook

Unleashing Creativity: Unique Kitchen Utensils to Sell Online
Unleashing Creativity: Unique Kitchen Utensils to Sell Online

Say Goodbye to Average: How to Stand Out in the E-Commerce World

Mastering the Art of E-Commerce with a Dash of Absurdity

Mastering the Art of E-Commerce: A Hysterical Guide for the Slightly Unhinged

Number of listings removed from our directory since 1st November 2019 = 0

The Graveyard - Where Websites are Laid to Rest

Don't be alarmed, but it happens...yes websites can die! We pronounce the "death" of a website only after a protracted period of downtime - we give each website every chance to survive. We realise sometimes hosting goes offline, domain names expire. That's OK! We sit patiently waiting for signs of life. After a month or so though...well, it's not looking good, is it? We manually review one last time...and...if there are no vital signs, we must pull the plug.

It's something we have to do in order to ensure the freshness of our directory - it's a necessary act, and all good directories need to do the same (though few actually take the time to do this). This is the other side of curation - removing websites that have ceased to exist.

Having said all that, we've decided to remember websites that have passed away from 1st November 2019 onwards, right here! There's no telling if a corpse may become reanimated, so you may see some sites take on a new life, reincarnated in another form. In any case, let us remember them here:-

Listings Removed from (c)2009 - 2025